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Arabic Meditation- Healing with colors

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Healing with Colors part 1
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The great master of Medicine Ibn Sina or Initialized name to Avicenna (980-1037), seeing color as of vital importance both in diagnosis and in treatment, discussed Chromotherapy in The Canon of Medicine. He wrote that “color is an observable symptom of disease” and also developed a chart that related color to the temperature and physical condition of the body. His view was that red moved the blood, blue or white cooled it, and yellow reduced muscular pain and inflammation. and so it seems clear that light is the most important environmental input, after food, in controlling bodily function.

Meditation in a minute

While most of us don’t realize that color affects us every day of our lives and can influence our mood and our thoughts. Colors affects people in many ways, depending upon one’s age, gender, ethnic background or local climate. Certain colors or groups of colors tend to get a similar reaction from most people, the overall difference being in the shade or tones used.

Colors are known to have an effect on people with brain disorders or people with emotional troubles. For example, some one who gets over-excited would benefit from the color blue can have a calming effect which can then result in lower blood pressure, blue is to swell the ratio of female chinchilla babies to males. whereas the color red might have the opposite effect, so if your exhausted you may want to use color red good for energy and helps against fatigue. Green is another color that may be used to relax people who are emotionally unbalanced. Yellow and Gold, on the other hand, may be used to help invigorate people who might be suffering from depression. Ultraviolet or purple is used to increasechildrens or adults intellect.
The way it works
Color therapy and healing (also known as chromotherapy or light therapy) is a type of holistic healing that uses the visible spectrum of light and color to affect a person’s mood and physical or mental health. Each color falls into a specific frequency and vibration, which many believe contribute to specific properties that can be used to affect the energy and frequencies within our bodies.

The seven colors of the spectrum relate to the seven main energy centers of the body. Depending on your mood and physical health, a color therapist will use specific colors to treat the afflicted parts of your body. Color therapy is administered in several ways. In many treatments colored lights are shone on the body or colored silks are worn. Other practitioners use different colored liquids in bottles or small torches with colored beams that are pointed at the relevant acupressure (also known as colorpuncture) points.

See the Table of the Levels of Seven Nafs/Souls and Seven Colors Attribute

And so it uses light in the form of color to balance “energy” lacking from a person’s body, whether it be on physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental levels. There are many different ways of giving color, including; Solarized Water, Light boxes/lamps with color filters, color silks and hands on healing using color.Color is absorbed by the eyes, skin, skull our ‘magnetic energy field’ or aura and the energy of color affects us on all levels, that is to say, physical, spiritual and emotional. Every cell in the body needs light energy – thus color energy has widespread effects on the whole body.

Color Has a powerful effect on behavior

Research has demonstrated in many cases that the mood-altering effects of colour may only be temporary. A blue room may initially cause feelings of calm, but the effect dissipates after a short period of time. As designers and interior decorators have discovered, colour sets a mood; this in turn, affects health because as many as half of modern man’s diseases may have a psychosomatic component.

‘warm’ and ‘cool’ colors
Keep in mind that each color has a psychological value and that colors behave in three basic ways: active, passive, and neutral. for in house rooms and generally. Light colors are expansive and airy, making rooms seem larger and brighter. Dark colors are sophisticated and warm.

The distinction between ‘warm’ and ‘cool’, colors are related to the observed between the “warm” colors associated with daylight or sunset the colours of red, orange, and yellow, browns and tansare considered warm colors because they are the colors of fire. These hues are also said to advance, meaning they appear to come forward, making a wall feel closer.

Cool colors will normally make you think of cool and serene things, such as winter skies and still ponds and cold colors are related to landscape light and the day. cool colors are often said to be the hues from blue green through blue violet, most grays included.

To Be Continued>>
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