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Ancient Egyptian Astrology

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What’s is your Egyptian Zoadic?


Egyptian Astrology & zodiac Signs
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The Egyptian zodiac is made up of 12 signs. Certain days of the year are represented by each of the signs. Each astrology sign is symbolized by an Egyptian god with the exception of The Nile. The ancient Egyptians believed your personality and life were determined by the sign you were born under.
The 12 Egyptian God / Goddess Signs
The Nile (January 1-7, June 19-28, September 1-7, November 18-26)
Amon-Ra (January 8-21, February 1-11) , Etc.
we will take the first 7 of them
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1- Nile : – The first sign of the Egyptian zodiac is The Nile. The Nile was a very important aspect of life in Ancient Egypt. It was not just a river, but also the life vein of many activities. It provided essential necessities that made life flourish for all civilizations that were along the Nile.
Positive Traits:-
As the first Egyptian astrology sign, The Nile represents the beginning and the start of something. In Ancient Egypt the Nile river represented a beginning to a prosperous and fruitful life. Its flow and nature would change just like those born under it’s energy. Of all the Egyptian zodiac signs this is the first one and the only one that does not represent an Egyptian god.These people have a very peaceful and passionate nature about them. They do not like conflict and will strive to always keep the peace around them. They can sometimes be ruled by their passions, but they are as wise as they are passionate. Their changing moods can sometimes get the best of them. One moment they are calm and peaceful and the next they are irrational and angry.

They are strong observers of the world around them. They use their observations to put a plan of action in motion. Their strong observation also makes them very intuitive. They are good at communicating with others and attract many friends because of their bright and intelligent nature
Negative Traits:-
The Nile Egyptian Goddess sign can act hastily when they are not feeling at ease and can have unexpected emotional outbursts. Their obsession with details could make them prone to nervous energy which goes directly against their need for inner peace. They can be moody, changing mood in an instant. This can make others want to stay away when one of their mood swings strike.

To the outside world they are the picture of calm, but inside they have a nervous energy that is always trying to find peace on the outside as well as the inside. They are constantly striving to improve themselves by controlling their moods.

2- Amon – Ra :The second Egyptian zodiac sign is Amon-Ra. He symbolizes creation that is made from the will of the spirit. He is the god of protection and considered to be the king of the gods. He gave humans the ability to create from nothing more than their desire and urge to be creators.
Those born under the Amon-Ra Egyptian God sign are talented and optimistic. They make good leaders and others feel inspired and comforted around them. Others believe in them and their strong intuition to help lead them out of any problems they are facing. They are giving and will always give their best to those in need. In any situation they are always confident and in control.
The Egyptian astrology sign Amon-Ra may have a hard time in their personal lives. They may shy away from starting a family, but if they do have one they won’t be very attentive to it. They are too busy being a leader and solving others’ problems to be much of a presence at home.

They may have large egos. When they make decisions there is no room for change. They are firm in whatever decisions they make and are not likely to be very flexible. This can harm them because they aren’t likely to listen to the advice of

3- Mut : – The third sign of the Egyptian zodiac is Mut. Mut symbolizes women and the mother. In Egyptian mythology Mut also symbolizes the divine mother who is very nurturing and caring. In fact the name Mut means mother of the world. She is considered to be a creator goddess who is associated with water.
Positive Traits:
People born under the Egyptian astrology sign of Mut are nurturers and naturally protective. They are very protective of others especially those they love. As protective as they are of others, they are also looking for someone to protect them and act as a parental figure. This nurturing quality also makes it hard to be open with others. They are generally good parents and role models for the young.
Negative Traits
The Mut Egyptian horoscope sign can become too involved in relationships. Once they decide to open themselves up to another, they are very committed and serious. If things don’t work out this can lead to them being very disappointed.
The Mut zodiac sign are logical, practical thinkers. When they do decide to express who they are they have already calculated the pros and cons and how they will do it. They are rational thinkers and it can be hard to convince them that they are wrong. They use their vast knowledge to achieve their goals.

They can go through periods of sadness, depression and melancholy. They can also be secretive and withdrawn. They can be very rigid in personal relationships and can come across as unromantic and unfeeling. They can seem impersonal and cold.

4- Geb :- In Ancient Egyptian mythology Geb was the god of the earth. He was the father to Osiris, Seth, Isis, and Nephthys. He was married to Nut and is pictured with a goose on his head. It was believed that his laughter started earthquakes.

He also ruled over the burial of the dead in the earth. He helped in weighing the hearts of the deceased to see what kind of afterlife they would have. This is the fourth sign in the Egyptian zodiac.
Positive Traits :-
People born under the Egyptian zodiac sign of Geb are sensitive. They have a kind heart and are very in touch with the needs and feelings of others. They have a lot of compassion for others and are very intuitive and introverted. They may come across as overly emotional at times, but that is the charm and magnetism that attracts others to them.
Negative Traits :-
They are humble and nice which can make it easy for others to try and take advantage of them. When the Egyptian horoscope sign Geb feel anxious they can be vain and egoistic. They won’t make this known on the outside as they love to uphold a sense of dignity, but to those closest to them they can seem like they are a completely different person.

5-Osiris :- In Egyptian mythology Osirus is the god of the underworld. He is a symbol for rebirth after death. He is the son of Nut and Geb and brother to Isis, Seth, and Nephthys. He is most known for marrying his sister Isis.

He is one of the most popular and well-known Egyptian deities. He is a symbol of fertility and resurrection. The Osiris is the fifth Egyptian horoscope sign.
Positive Traits:-
People born under this Egyptian zodiac sign Osiris have two sides to their personality. On one side they can be very feisty and strong, on the other side they can be vulnerable and indecisive. When faced with challenges it can be hard for them to decide what the right course of action should be.
They are good with new beginnings and are passionate and optimistic about their future. They are often misunderstood as this is a difficult sign to be born under. They are very generous and innovative. They may be good in careers as salesman or teaching. They will also have no problem in leadership positions as they are naturally intelligent and charismatic.

They have no problem starting new and paving a new path if that is what it takes to succeed. They are natural leaders and will use this skill with their confidence to achieve their goals and pursue their passions.
Negative Traits:-
The Egyptian astrology sign Osiris can be too aggressive and dominating to others especially if the feel they are above them. They are argumentative, so disagreeing with them could prove to be pointless. They can alienate people by being too bossy and overbearing. They are so full of their egos that they can talk before they think. They may have a hard time with meek personalities because they tend to make others feel overshadowed and small.

6 Isis : – Isis symbolizes the mother and goddess of nature. She is a protector of children, the poor and the dead. She is the daughter of Geb and Nut and sister to Osiris, Set, and Nephthys. She married her brother Osiris and together they had a son named Horus.

Isis also acts as a protector during childbirth. In her mythology she is said to have put Horus back together again after her brother Set murdered him. Isis zodiac sign is the sixth in Egyptian Astrology.
Positive Traits:-
The Isis Egyptian zodiac sign people are very to the point and straight-forward. They speak in a direct manner to get their point across with no misunderstandings. Some people may think they are too blunt and open while others may prefer their direct style of communication.

They are motivated by having love in their lives. They are confident in their love lives. They make seek out romantic relationships where their partner is adventurous and carefree.

Negative Traits:-
The Egyptian horoscope sign Isis can be too demanding towards other people. This could be a big put-off for those trying to help them or those in a relationship with them.

They need constant change or they will become restless and uneasy. This constant need for change can hinder them from focusing on one goal. Their restless nature will keep them from finishing projects and switching back and forth between too many things at once.
When things get too serious they will try to escape and run away. They are calm and laid-back and do not like to take on serious subjects or projects. This could keep them away from some opportunities in life.

7- Thoth: – it is the seventh sign in the Egyptian zodiac. Thoth is the moon god of learning and wisdom. He is shown with a moon on his . He is known as the creator of writing. In mythology he was the record keeper of everything.

He was sought out for his knowledge and wisdom. He was also was in charge of judging the dead and weighing their soul to see what kind of afterlife they would have.

Positive Traits:-
People born under this Egyptian astrology sign of Thoth are good problems solvers. They are very creative and love sharing everything they have learned with others. They are naturally drawn to careers as teachers and mentors. People are drawn to them because of all the knowledge and wisdom they share.

Negative Traits:-
There are times when the Egyptian zodiac sign Thoth can be impatient and hasty with their decisions. They don’t wait to see what the outcome of a project or situation will be. They will react too quickly, putting obstacles in their path that don’t need to be there.

They have a hard time dealing with betrayal. They can be so naive that when someone betrays their trust it can make them question everything they thought they knew. They have a hard time seeing anything negative in other people and will trust people based on their word alone. This could send them into a depression because they feel everything they know has to be questioned.